Al Nas Hospital



Program Director: Dr. Mohamed El Maghawry

Program Description:

This program is designed to treat patients who have diseases related to the electric conduction system of the heart. Our hearts have a built-in conduction system consisting of fibers that connect different areas of the heart, the goal is to synchronize the contraction of all the muscles of the heart.

Diseases in the conduction system include blocks, chaotic electric foci, and accessory pathways. In the EP lab, we can treat all these conditions efficiently with ablation techniques.

7-     Cardiac devices

Program Director: Dr. Mohamed El Maghawry

Program Description:

Patients who develop a block in the conduction system of the heart and very slow heart rates will need pacemakers to overcome this problem.

Patients with advanced heart failure may also need a special pacemaker that improves the heart function called a CRT device.

Also, patients who have certain diseases are at risk of sudden death due to major arrhythmias. Those patients need to have an ICD device inserted, to give them internal electric shocks that abort those types of arrhythmias and prevent sudden death from happening.


8-     Leadless Pacemaker

Program Director: Dr. Mohamed El Maghawry

Program Description:

A leadless pacemaker is the most innovative solution in the electrophysiology subspecialty. This new device is inserted directly into the heart without any wires or pockets in the shoulder area. This is especially important for those patients who had infections on the wires of the regular pacemakers.

We are proud to be the first hospital in Egypt who started implanting this new device.


9-     Lead extraction

Program Director: Dr. Mohamed El Maghawry

Program Description:

Patients who have implanted pacemaker devices may develop some problems over time (infection or lead failure) and require the complete removal of the system. However, if the devices were implanted many years ago, it would be very difficult to remove them because of the fibrosis that develops over time. This procedure is very risky and requires certain devices and expertise.

We started this program and did several successful cases so far.


