Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hassan Daoud

Dr. Mohamed Hassan is an Associate Professor of Cardiovascular medicine at Cairo University. He is currently the Head of adult cardiology department at ALNAS hospital. He was the medical director of ALNAS hospital for one year (October 2019 - October 2020). Dr. Mohamed is also the general Secreatary of the heart failure working group of Egyptian Soceity of cardiology. He is a fellow of the American college of cardiology since 2016.
He worked as a specialist of cardiology at Aswan Heart Centre, Magdi Yacoub Foundation from July 2009 to July 2013, and then a consultant of cardiology at Magdi Yacoub Foundation till September 2019.
He received his Doctorate degree of cardiovascular medicine at Cairo University in 2014. He obtained specialized training on interventional cardiology at Careggi hospital, University of Florence, Italy in 2010.
Dr. Mohamed is experienced in treating adult patients with various cardiac disorders and is highly specialized in management of heart failure, and interventional cardiology including complex PCI cases.
Dr. Mohamed has a large number of publications in international peer review journals such as Nature reviews cardiology, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Circulation-heart failure, European heart journal- cardiovascular imaging. He is currently an associate editor of the European Heart Journal – Case Reports, and a current reviewer of the Egyptian heart journal